Thursday, January 15, 2009

Facebook ABOUT ME

This is my facebook about me section. I dont know why you would read my blog without first knowing a little bit about who the blogger is.

A short summary of who I am is: I Love my saviour Jesus Christ. My Church. My Family. My Friends. My Music. My Books. My Writing. My Movies. My Coffe's. My Friday Nights. My Hot Summer Days. My Colours. My Drama. My iPod. ----

2008, for me the year of the dreaded HSC was also filled with times spent with my friends and family that compensated for the stressful moments that this final year of school brings. I didnt travel, have any particularly huge or fantastic moments nor did I participate in any out of the ordinary events that I can really set aside as special or different (ofcourse other than my HSC)

Every other year of my life I have done one or more of the above things so that by January the first I could look back and say "wow, now that was a big year." This year instead was spent in a different way. Nothing particularly glamorous or star studded but all the same nurturing and heart warming.

My memories of 2008 are filled with moments spent laughing over roast on a sunday night with my family of friends. Standing before my church with my hands held high in praise and worship. Enjoying the sickening convenience of 24/7 McDonalds stores. Trying to fit as much as me and my friends could into one night which could involve anything from: Movies, Dinners (most likley McDonalds), Driving to the most un-expected and random places in the middle of the night, Star gazeing and talking about our dreams and ambitions, going to the beach to watch storms or heading back to the Brittens to watch one...well maybe about three? movies. Getting Craveings for random foods and bowing to that craveing by driving to the 24/7 BP to get that food also seems to inhabit alot of my memory.

But most of all, my fondest and most cherished memories are sitting on my friends couch cosy and warm, watching a dvd, looking around at the faces of my good friends as we all laugh or sit transfixed to the images on the screen. These little moments over shadow any over seas venture, any performance or any purchase of a much desired object.

I know the above section is probably more suited to a blog or note but I feel it should be in my "About Me" section because this passed year, 2008, has possibly shown me more about who I am than any other. Away from the glamour of a spotlight, the excitment of an air port or the falseness of those moments when we know weve molded ourselves to suit the crowd were in. Away from all of that, surrounded by those we love, it is there we will find ourselves and who we really are.

Tysons the name.

Saucy's the game.

I hope you enjoyed, feel free to add me on Facebook if you dont already have me. x


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